Phone: 608-664-2000
Helping you get CASH from your minerals!

Why Sell Royalties

Why Sell?

Why sell your royalties or mineral rights? This is a common question asked by mineral and royalty owners alike. At times having access to a larger lump sum of money may prove to be more accommodating for other investments, debt service, or retirement.

Some advantages to selling your oil and gas royalties or mineral rights are:

  • An upfront large, lump sum payout.
  • Eliminates the expenses for trusts, estates, partnerships and monthly distributions.
  • Eliminates the paperwork and accounting hassles.
  • Converting your asset from depleting to non-depleting.
  • Allows estate consolidation or liquidation.

Big Horn Minerals Energy, LLC is dedicated to providing you a fair market price for your producing and non-producing properties.

You may only want to sell a portion of what you own - And that is easy to accommodate. Contact Big Horn Minerals today.

To contact us:

Phone: 608-664-2000


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Mailing:402 South Gammon Place ~ Suite 200
Madison, WI 53719